Monday, February 18, 2008


The handwriting is on the wall ~ Hillary is a shrill desperate candidate with weakening support but Obama is a rapidly building movement gaining believers every day. If she doesn't recognize this soon ~ she'll be trampled and humiliated by her own self serving arrogance and sense of entitlement: Allen L Roland

As we rapidly approach a world wide shift in consciousness by 2012 ~ it is imperative that America be led by a man who can cross race lines of blacks, whites and latinos and offer a new vision of hope versus greed to not only the American people but also to the world.

James Taylor, a race and American politics scholar at University of San Francisco, says Obama " presents an opportunity to deal with race in an unconventional way .... If an African American man can become president of the United States in the 21st century, then it tells us that the remainder of the 21st century represents all kinds of possibilities ~ because in his person there is a representation of both black and white experiences. He allows us to exorcise some of the demons we've had in our history of race in America."

Christopher Malone, a Pace University political scientist, writes of a recent display of the unconventional racial dynamic at Obama's recent appearance in Kansas ~ " He goes to the hometown of his grandfather on his white mothers side and points to a cousin in the audience ~ a 72 year old woman who is as white as any other Kansan. Could you imagine him accepting the nomination and standing there and bringing up his family members, Kenyans and white Americans, and saying ~ I am America, this is America ! It really seems like a perfect storm here "

A perfect storm indeed and one that could well wipe out the divisive race tactics of the Bushes and recently the Clintons as America finally recognizes and celebrates its true diversity and comes together as one wherein 35% of its population are now minorities.

Meanwhile there appears to be an air of desperation in the Clinton camp, who were expecting a coronation on Super Tuesday and instead met the Obama express which is still building momentum while a fading Hillary tries to bully her way to victory ~ putting her on a potential collision course with Democratic party leaders who are increasingly seeing Obama as the future of the party.

Sarah Baxter, London Times, writes on February 17th ~ " With her rival ahead in the polls and wooing her bedrock Hispanic and female voters, Clinton is trying to force her way back with a risky strategy that could split her party."

It appears the Clinton's will not go quietly into the night but Obama could make it all but academic with expected solid victories tomorrow in Wisconsin and Hawaii along with pre-election polls showing Obama with a growing edge in Hillary's self declared last stand state ~Texas.


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