Sunday, May 25, 2008

FoxNews Jokes About Obama Being Assassinated

Today on Fox News Channel, Liz Trotta, was asked to comment on the Hillary RFK statement. Here is the part that should simply make any decent person feel like vomiting or breaking something.


"and now we have what ... uh...some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama [after being prompted by the FNC anchor]....well both if we could [laughing]"

For Trotta to relish - publicly, casually, and unremarked - the thought of "knocking off" Sen. Obama is merely an expression of the fact that we now live in an America where torture, even to the point of murder, disappearances, unwarranted surveillance, and arbitrary arrest and detention are not only done by our government but are defended by the president, vice president, a Supreme Court justice, and, even worse, by ordinary citizens. We now live in a country where the Constitutional order and protections of the Bill of Rights are not only ignored but mocked by those in whose hands their protection has been entrusted, by those who make the biggest show of their "patriotism," people who make an issue of flag pins and the position of one's hands during the national anthem. That talk of assassination by one of these superpatriots could be accompanied by no more than easy laughter shows the level of degradation to which we have sunk.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

How low can Hillary go?

How low will Hillary Clinton go to win the Democratic Nomination for President has no bounderies, she has now raised the idea of Barack Obama being assassinated as a justification to stay in the Democratic Primary race. The NY Post has the story:

Hillary Clinton today brought up the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy while defending her decision to stay in the race against Barack Obama.

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it," she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

Obama's camp immediately fired back.

"Sen. Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign," Obama campaign spokesman said in a statement.

Clinton made her comments at a meeting with the Sioux Falls Argus-Leader's editorial board while campaigning in South Dakota, where she complained that, "People have been trying to push me out of this ever since Iowa."

Obama, the first African-American to advance so far in the race for the White House, has faced threats, sources have said.

Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of President John F. Kennedy, was gunned down in 1968 after winning the California primary. He had been a hero on the left for his civil rights agenda and calls to end the war in Vietnam.

Barack Obama, who leads Clinton by nearly 200 delegates and has already secured a majority of pledged delegates, has been the subject of threats. Early in the campaign, the Secret Service gave him a security detail at the request of Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois).

Clinton criticized an "urgency" to end the campaign prematurely, saying, "Historically, that makes no sense."

She later issued an apology for the remark.

"I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever," the former first lady said.

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson defended the comments to The Post, "She was talking about the length of the race and using the '68 election as an example of how long the races in the past have gone -- she used her husband's race in the same vein."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

Sen. "Sraight Talk Express" McCain seems to have run off the side of the rode.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

WTF ::: Obama monkey T-shirts raise ire

From Democratic Underground

It's really getting ugly in the good old United States of AmeriKKKa, Did you really think racism was dead?

Obama's real battle with racism in WVa.

From the Daily Kos
I think it's time to make it as plain as possible. There's a narrow region of our country that is still under the grips of mind-poisoning racism. This malady can't be healed by gentleness, or high-toned language that might well go over the heads of those who suffer from it. It must be confronted directly, with plain talk, logic, and passion. That effort needs to begin with our media.

The left-leaning The Real News takes an unabashed look at the problem in a piece they have up on their site. You've got to see it to believe it. This is what we are up against.

Here's The Real News clip:

Hillary's ignorant white racist base,I hope she's proud of her win last night.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Black Elected Superdelegates "Day of Reckoning"???

From Daily Kos

Those Black elected superdelegates may be in for trouble if Hillary contines to play the race card and she isn't challenged by Black elected officials.On several historically black college campuses there is a strong movement forming to vote them out. Young Black democrats are outraged over the lack of a response from Black elected officals who are superdelegates. Here is a copy of the letter sent by a campus leader.

Let me begin by saying I am a longtime admirer of your work in Congress and beyond on behalf of your district, your state, African American people and our entire nation. . Given all that, I have had no problem with you Rep. Rangel, Rep. Tubbs Wilson, Rep. Jackson-Lee supporting Senator Clinton. I assume you are all capable and dedicated public servants and entitled to use your best judgment and experience to support the person you feel is best. I also felt not having monolithic black support actually helped to make Senator Obama’s campaign more credible among all voters.

I began this primary season also supporting Senator Clinton but grew increasingly disheartened and worried by the subtle and not so subtle race baiting, she and her surrogates, black and white, employed. The comments of Ambassador Shaheen; the Bob Kerry allusions, the BET founder Robert Johnson’s disgraceful antics and finally former President Clinton's code language in South Carolina was the last straw. No sane black person especially one born and raised in the South could mistake what he was doing, even though it was sad to see him stoop so low. In short I became convinced of the Clintons' craven desire for power at any cost even at the cost of destroying, discounting and denigrating the legitimate hopes of millions of Americans who see in Senator Obama a uniquely gifted leader.

Yesterday however, Senator Clinton revealed the real sentiments of her heart with her USA interview. It is time Representative Waters for you and the other national African American elected officials who have supported her to speak out in condemnation of her remarks. Not to do so is to support and countenance the kind of base racism, even coming from one we might personally or professionally have some fondness for, that you and others have spent a lifetime fighting. Not to speak is to betray our community and our country. I look forward to your response.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

McCain's pastor problems

One of Senator's McCain spiratual advisors. Where is the mainstream media obsession with this loon? I guess they only have a problem with angry black preachers.

It's officially over for Hillary, the cartoonist have spoken

For larger view, click on image

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Clinton Touts White Support

As if the divisions between race and gender in the Democratic Party hadn’t been further exposed through Tuesday night’s exit polls — and by a very heated exchange on CNN between Donna Brazile and Paul Begala — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s interview with USA Today on Wednesday is further mining those tense depths.
“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in the interview, citing an article by The Associated Press.
It “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
“There’s a pattern emerging here,” she said.
While she said her remarks weren’t meant to be divisive, they’re already whipping around the Internet. “These are the people you have to win if you’re a Democrat in sufficient numbers to actually win the election. Everybody knows that,” she said in the interview. (Hint, hint, message to the superdelegates still undeclared.)

In Indiana alone, six in 10 white voters went for Mrs. Clinton, where she narrowly won the primary.



Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sharpton Arrested Leading NYC Protest

SourceThe Rev. Al Sharpton was arrested Wednesday at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge in a protest over the acquittal of three police officers involved in the 50-bullet shooting of Sean Bell.

Sharpton, two survivors of the shooting and the slain man's fiancee were arrested Wednesday in one of a series of demonstrations calling for a federal investigation into the November 2006 shooting.

Sharpton had called for acts of civil disobedience across the city. Several other demonstrators have been arrested as they stopped traffic at bridges and tunnels.

As police kept their distance, organizers gave protesters instructions on how to behave when arrested.

The three officers were acquitted of state charges last month.

Sharpton is seeking a federal civil rights investigation into Bell's 2006 shooting. Bell was killed in a hail of 50 police bullets outside a Queens strip club that was under investigation for prostitution. The officers charged in the slaying were acquitted in state court April 25.

Demonstrators were gathering at six locations, including outside police headquarters and the entrances to the Brooklyn and Triborough bridges and the Holland Tunnel.

Sharpton said some marchers planned to kneel in prayer and risk arrest.

Bell's fiance said after the verdict was read April 25 that "the justice system let me down."

"April 25, 2008: They killed Sean all over again," Nicole Paultre Bell told a crowd at the headquarters of Sharpton's National Action Network. "That's what it felt like to us."

The verdict elicited gasps as well as tears of joy and sorrow. Detective Michael Oliver, who fired 31 of the shots, wept at the defense table, while Bell's mother cried in the packed courtroom. Shouts of "Murderers! Murderers!" and "KKK!" rang out outside the courthouse. Sharpton lambasted the judge who acquitted the detectives.

"If people are on the public payroll, doing their public duty, they should be required to face a public jury," Sharpton said. The officers had opted to have the judge instead of a jury decide the case.

Sharpton later promised to "shut the city down" with organized civil disobedience. "Shut it down! Shut it down!" supporters chanted.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Who Are These "White, working-class, voters"?

If you have watched the pundits in the Corporate Media, espeacially on the Cable News Network, you will hear them continually emphasizing the importance of the Democratic candidates attracting the "White working class" voters. You hear it all the time, Barack can't connect to the "white working class" voters, or that the "white working class" voters are still upset about the Reverand Wright scandal. Well one of the posters over at Daily Kos looked into it and had an interesting take on this question:

Why is our Democratic Presidential candidate being selected, according to all the pundits, by "white, working-class, voters"? Aren't these what we call Reagan Democrats?

Aren't these the people whom we refer to as "low-information" voters? People who historically can't identify their own interest? People who vote on the basis of beer, and bowling? People who, in spite of every indication to the contrary, in spite of both historical and current trends, lose their shirt every time a Republican is elected to the Presidency?

I spent several hours on Friday digging around both the US Census site, and the University of Michigan site, trying to find out who these people are. The information is there, of course, but without the funding, the voter lists the party has accumulated over the past decades, and many hours of dedicated effort, I will not be able to tease the data to gain any further understanding of the "facts" that media pundits, and talking heads throw around with such facility.

There is a report circulating this morning that 53% of whites without a college education, in Indiana, will not vote for Obama. This is not surprising. This is a core group of Republican voters, in a Red State, that has voted for the Republican candidate since 1964. These are the folks who are suffering the most from the divisive tactics of modern politics, but who do not have the skills, or investment, to see beyond the TV ads, and their own limited world view.

Interestingly, a new poll is reporting that Clinton's approval ratings among these voters is only 43%. This is clearly a group that will not vote for the Democrat.

Why then, are their opinions being touted as definitive, or even worthy of comment in the Democratic Primary, unless the media is so determined to block an Obama victory that they will grasp at any bit of information to influence the low information voter? "People like you don't vote for Obama!", is the subtext. The real message, and the facts on the ground, drum the message that, "Folks like you don't vote for the Democrat!".

So, CNN's Howie Kurtz is devoting time to the manufactured "shock and outrage" over Hannah Montana showing her belly to a photographer. The MSNBC Idiots are still frothing over Reverend Wright, while wringing their hands over the "effect this "ongoing scandel" will have on Obama's campaign". And, both make continued references to those "White, working class Republican voters" who will derail the Democrat's hopes.

As a Cognitive Psychologist, I have long been annoyed at the violative language used by media. Any educated reader, or listener, will discern personal bias, corporate intent, and water carrying for the power brokers, designed to maintain the status quo. I'm quite used to the blood pressure raising distortion of information created by selective commentary, video loops, and the coy choice of adjectives employed. I see these paraded daily.

But. This is the first time I have ever seen Republican voters being used to shape the opinion of Democratic voters in a Democratic Primary. Shaped by using group identification and base ignorance, to lay the ground work for a Republican victory in November.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Endless war for endless profit

Our current set of wars don't make sense, largely because they are not wars in the normal sense. They are actually just gigantic business opportunities.

The so-called news about these wars is not news, it is carefully designed advertising for the businesses involved in the so called war-making.

The soldiers are not really soldiers, they are paid extras on a movie set where the advertising occurs.

Consequently, nothing that is not productive of profits receives any significant attention, beyond what is necessary to maintain the pretense that a real war is actually occurring. International law and rules of war have the same relation to these wars as a novel that is adapted to the screen.

Patriotic pretense is elevated over patriotic feeling. Wounded soldiers are not honored as heroes, they are just shuffled off the set like used and damaged props, abandoned and ignored as avoid-
able costs that threaten profits. Strategic military goals become meaningless as the overriding strategic goal is to keep the profit making business going.

Victory, in this setting, is the last thing desired, as it would mean an end to the flow of profit. Defeat and retreat, likewise, are unthinkable for the same reason. The business plan is endless war for endless profit.

Anything in these so-called wars that enhances profit or furthers the career goals of the major players is good. Anything that threatens profit or the anticipated lucrative careers of the military, industrial and congressional leaders is bad.

These wars, as they are being conducted, are best understood as a self-contained horizontally and vertically integrated industry, for whom the nation is merely a befuddled customer.

Overwhelming Evidence Points To Murder Of DC Madam

From Prison
"She insinuated that there is a contract out for her and I fully believe they succeeded," says Condo manager

Evidence is stacking up to suggest that the alleged "suicide" of DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey was in fact a calculated murder, as the manager of Palfrey's Florida Condo reveals that Palfrey was not suicidal when he spoke to her Monday and told him of her fears about a contact being out on her life.

The new testimony is backed up by at least four other recorded public statements on behalf of Palfrey attesting to the fact that she would never commit suicide and if she was found dead to immediately suspect murder.

Despite these on-the-record statements, the majority of the corporate media has ignored each one and instead given credence to the unverified claim of a professional conspiracy debunker who has been caught fabricating statements in the past.

The building manager of Park Lake Towers in Orlando, where Palfrey owned a condo, told WESH 2 news channel that he spoke to Palfrey on Monday as she was packing to leave for her mother's house and she did not seem upset or suicidal.

"Jean Palfrey was a class act. She wore very good clothes. She was well educated. Her way out of this world certainly would not have been in an aluminum shed attached to a mobile home in Tarpon Springs, Florida," said the manager, who did not want to be named.

The manager said that Palfrey had told him of her fears that a contract hit was out on her life.

"She insinuated that there is a contract out for her and I fully believe they succeeded," he stated.


Stupid Stuff for Stupid Voters

From Daily Kos
Every freakin' election cycle, voters bemoan the fact that the media focuses on the stupid stuff instead of policy issues. And yet during primary season, voters quickly suck up declarations that the policy differences between the most viable (a combination of name recognition, charisma and cash) candidates are slim to none which leaves on the the stupid stuff to talk about. When the general election rolls around, the policy differences are sufficiently blunted that once again, there’s not enough there there to bother with. Therefore, it’s the stupid stuff that matters.

In 2000 the final difference between Bush and Gore was that the former would send all taxpayers a check for a few hundred bucks and Gore wouldn’t. And Gore was a liar and Bush was the guy you’d want to have a beer with. What was the difference between Kerry and Bush? An elite old rich guy vs. an ordinary old rich guy. What would a Clinton vs. McCain general election come down to? Nothing more than higher taxes vs. lower taxes. And maybe more war vs. a lot more war.

A Clinton promised to fix healthcare in America sixteen years ago and once in office did NOTHING about it. Only an idiot would fall for that a second time. She may be willing to throw the kitchen sink at Obama, but she’s so far up the ass of the health insurance companies that she’s not about to rock their golden boat. And anyone that thinks health insurance companies are the solution to the problem is an idiot. She may not like the occupation of Iraq as much as McCain does, but the first woman president isn’t about to declare defeat and bring the troops home. Oh sure, there will be a difference between the warrior woman and the crazed former POW warrior, but both of the will SHOOT first and ask questions later.

McCain and Clinton are both nuts but we all pretend not to notice. Just as we pretend that GWB isn’t stupid and nuts. LOOK OVER THERE! Obama’s pastor is NUTS. Obama’s BLACK. (Even if his momma was white.) For a few years he had a MUSLIM stepfather. That’s the important stuff. Irrelevant, and therefore to be ignored, is that he’s smart. Really smart. If you like him because he’s unflappable, you’re told that he’s too passionless. Too passionless to cheat on his wife. (Have you noticed that his wife is BLACK?) Good gracious, neither Obama has screwed around on a spouse. What would we do with someone in the Oval Office that doesn’t have a big closet of skeletons that the media can rummage through for the next four years? We like our Presidents to use public funds to build a vault for their closet and watch the media safecrackers try to bust into it.

We LIKE the STUPID STUFF. Manufactured stupid stuff is better than real stupid stuff. Gore was crazy because he claimed credit for having invented the internet. (Who cares that the never said or claimed that.) Kerry only got a scratch in Vietnam and faked an injury to get a Purple Heart. (Who cares that GWB was too busy sucking up booze and coke to fulfill his National Guard obligation and declined to serve in Vietnam.) GWB is BOLD and talks to god. GWB didn’t cheat on his wife. (Important because Gore was VP for a man who cheated on his wife.) Hillary is smart. (Who cares that she makes stupid decisions.) McCain is a maverick. (Who cares if he doesn't walk the talk.) But you better be very suspicious of the Barack guy because nobody is really that smart and cool. Why he wouldn't even start a war over non-existent nukes in Iran. Better go with McCain or Clinton because they've demonstrated that they will happily spill American blood and treasure to chase phantom weapons in the hands of phantom enemies. That's the stupid stuff we care about.