Monday, July 30, 2007

The Refugee problem that nobody wants to discuss

Four Million Iraqis on the Run


Two thousand Iraqis are fleeing their homes every day. It is the
greatest mass exodus of people ever in the Middle East and dwarfs
anything seen in Europe since the Second World War. Four million
people,one in seven Iraqis, have run away, because if they do not they will be
killed. Two million have left Iraq, mainly for Syria and Jordan, and the
same number have fled within the country.

Yet, while the US and Britain express sympathy for the plight of
refugees in Africa, they are ignoring - or playing down- a far greater
tragedy which is largely of their own making.

The US and Britain may not want to dwell on the disasters that have
befallen Iraq during their occupation but the shanty towns crammed with
refugees springing up in Iraq and neighbouring countries are becoming
impossible to ignore.



Now my question is do you think somebody in our government should be held responsible for the mess they have caused in the Middle East. If nobody is held responsible then we are nothing but a Rogue Nation disguised as a functioning democracy.

Clinton and Obama and the Heartland

Do you think America’s ready for a woman and a black man in the Whitehouse ? I think liberals and some moderates wouldn’t have a problem with it but I think a lot of people in the so called heartland would have a problem with it. Why would they have a problem you ask, simply because some feel the country should be lead by a so called Christian White Man (CWM). To these folks it doesn’t matter if the so called CWM is less competent than the other candidates, it doesn’t matter if the CMW is a proven liar, it doesn’t matter if the CMW only cares about the rich and doesn’t give a damn about poor and working class people, they will still vote for him over a more qualified woman or person of color. The south and some parts of the so called Heartland are still living in the 20th century, some are still living in the 19th century and they are not about to change their ways. Clinton and Obama should give up trying to win them over and let them just stew in their own hate instead they should concentrate on winning over their base and try to win some moderates along the way.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

What's up with the Boondocks? McGruder need to get on the ball

Do anyone know when the next season of the Boondocks will be coming on, it's been nearly two years since season one and Aaron McGruder still do not have season two ready to go yet. Dude must work like part-time, he must have poor work ethics or something. As soon as he knew he was renewed for another season he should have hired a staff to help him crank those episodes out. When you look at other successful night time animated shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, etc. Those show creators be pumping their shit out, they always meet their dead lines. Leave it up to a brother to be late. Black folks got to get it together, we want creative control then when the man give it to you you can't deliver or you late delivering. First Dave Chapelle tripped out left entire network and all his co workers hanging now Aaron McGruder can't meet the deadlines which also leaves The Adult Swim Network hanging. They will stop fucking with black folks if you cant get your shit together.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

America and Michael Vick

First of all I do not condone what Michael Vick is accused of because I do have a soft spot in my heart for animals. What I find kind weird though is the uproar all across America over the animal cruelty accusations directed at Michael Vick but it doesn't seem to be that much of an uproar against President Bush for authorizing torture of Muslim people in his illegal wars or holding people hostage for years without charges at his mini concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay. Is it because Americans hold domestic animals in a higher status than non white people. If the people at Gitmo are guilty then why aren't they tried and sentenced by now, some of the detainees have been held for nearly six years without any trial and are being tortured at will. Now I would think that a nation that gets upset with someone accused of torturing animals to be equally upset if not more at their leaders for torturing human beings.

We don't seem to get angry at hunters either who go out and kill animals for sport to satisfy some blood lust that they have. To me that's also animal cruelty and is as equally as appalling as the dog torturing. I guess I just don't understand America's selective outrage to me it's like a guilty person shedding crocodile tears.