Saturday, July 28, 2007

America and Michael Vick

First of all I do not condone what Michael Vick is accused of because I do have a soft spot in my heart for animals. What I find kind weird though is the uproar all across America over the animal cruelty accusations directed at Michael Vick but it doesn't seem to be that much of an uproar against President Bush for authorizing torture of Muslim people in his illegal wars or holding people hostage for years without charges at his mini concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay. Is it because Americans hold domestic animals in a higher status than non white people. If the people at Gitmo are guilty then why aren't they tried and sentenced by now, some of the detainees have been held for nearly six years without any trial and are being tortured at will. Now I would think that a nation that gets upset with someone accused of torturing animals to be equally upset if not more at their leaders for torturing human beings.

We don't seem to get angry at hunters either who go out and kill animals for sport to satisfy some blood lust that they have. To me that's also animal cruelty and is as equally as appalling as the dog torturing. I guess I just don't understand America's selective outrage to me it's like a guilty person shedding crocodile tears.

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