Monday, July 30, 2007

Clinton and Obama and the Heartland

Do you think America’s ready for a woman and a black man in the Whitehouse ? I think liberals and some moderates wouldn’t have a problem with it but I think a lot of people in the so called heartland would have a problem with it. Why would they have a problem you ask, simply because some feel the country should be lead by a so called Christian White Man (CWM). To these folks it doesn’t matter if the so called CWM is less competent than the other candidates, it doesn’t matter if the CMW is a proven liar, it doesn’t matter if the CMW only cares about the rich and doesn’t give a damn about poor and working class people, they will still vote for him over a more qualified woman or person of color. The south and some parts of the so called Heartland are still living in the 20th century, some are still living in the 19th century and they are not about to change their ways. Clinton and Obama should give up trying to win them over and let them just stew in their own hate instead they should concentrate on winning over their base and try to win some moderates along the way.

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