From Huffington Post
Bill Moyers is broadcasting a siddown with Barack Obama's "controversial" pastor Jeremiah Wright this Friday evening, April 25th. By Saturday expect every utterance Pastor Wright makes to be as picked over as an episode of Lost at the San Diego Comicon.
Now, I'm not going to even try to defend everything that Pastor Wright has to say. At least not the four of five loopy sound bytes -- out of how many thousands of sermons he's given -- that have made him quite the YouTube sensation. But there is a particular aspect of the Wright mischaracterization I take exception with: the idea that his pro-black teachings make him some kind of radical separatist. Interviewing Pastor Wright in March of last year, for example, Fox's Sean Hannity had this to say about statements appearing on the website for Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ:
"It says, "Commitment to God." By the way, I'm with you, and I hope you'll pray for me, Reverend. Commitment to the black community, commitment to the black family, adherence to the black work ethic. It goes on, pledge, you know, acquired skills available to the black community, strengthening and supporting black institutions, pledging allegiance to all black leadership who have embraced the black value system, personal commitment to the embracement of the black value system. Now, Reverend, if every time we said black, if there was a church and those words were white, wouldn't we call that church racist?"
In answer to the question: yeah, probably. But that's 'cause there's a difference between being pro-black and pro-white and the difference is a bad one.
Adherence to pro-black values isn't code for "kill whitey." It's merely how blacks have managed to stay alive and viable in America all these many years since we were first graciously given a ride across the middle passage to get dropped off in Virginia.
"A commitment to the black community" is what got us collectively through slavery, through an abandoned reconstruction and the ensuing era of Jim Crow. As I'm sure some will recall, because of a pesky little thing called segregation there was nothing for the black community to rely on but the black community.
Ironically, the community values and focus on the family Wright preaches of are exactly the kind of "don't bother us, do it yourself"-isms conservatives are always hectoring people of color to observe. How convenient for the pundits they can both wish us off the perceived teat, then get riled by those who encourage us to be self-reliant.
To the contrary of pro-blackness, it's pro-whiteness which has unfortunately produced some awful to horrible results: white sheets and nooses and burning cross and Citizens Councils and red lining and guys nicknamed Brownie doing a "heck of a job."
That's not say there's anything wrong with being comfortable in white skin. If that's what God gave you, sure, be happy with it. However, the whole concept of having to be pro-white is redundant. It's not as if, in the normal course of events, white folks as a race really need that much encouragement. Do teachers really have to explain to white kids that in a more fair America they could perhaps grow up to be president?
So, yeah; based on its suspect history, if one were to preach the doctrine of pro-whiteness there could be due cause for concern.
Pro-blackness, on the other hand -- analogous to the Protestant work ethic -- is one of the most positive American values we have.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sean Hannity attacks Obama over Million Man March
Recently Sean Hannity has been saying that: "Obama Even attended the million man March.” Hannity now is not only attacking Obama, but millions of blacks in his take down of Barack Obama to say what we tried to do for ourselves was an evil deed. Maybe even treasonous.
He is telling the million men, their spouses, children, families and communities that we committed an unpardonable crime by attempting to look at ourselves, acknowledging our individual shortcomings, then stage an event unprecedented in the history of America.
The goal of the Million Man March, which was widely reported and covered on C-Span, unalterated (No Spin)across America, live.
Had Hannity not been fixated on whatever he was fixated on while the Million Man March was being aired, like he is fixated on Obama’s defeat, he might have discovered that there was a world turning while he was fixated on whatever he was fixated on while the Million Man March was taking place.
Had he truly investigated, what the Million Man March’s objective and mission was he would have discovered the emphasis was for black men to be more personally responsible for our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. And to impress upon them to be more self reliant and less dependent.
These are rather conservative ideas, Which Sean Hannity claims to be and represent. So, I just want Sean to know that you should not denigrate and marginalize an entire Million men to say Obama was somehow evil in agreeing with the goals and mission of the Million Man March. It was a good initiative, worth supporting.
Sean Hannity which part of that did you not understand? Or our you really “Stuck On Stupid”?
If you could pry yourself away from the 24-7 attacks on Obama you might realize that the villain and rogue is sitting right next to you helping you stump on Obama 24-7. Karl Rogue is his name, And Sean is worst.
There is no one on the public airways, more unfair and unbalanced, not even big nasty. In my conclusion, sean hannity should stick to attacking Obama and leave the million Man March out of it. We know that the goal of the Million Man March was honorable before man and God Almighty!
If hannity didn’t like One of the many messengers, that does not give him the right to stump on the rest of us, because Sean didn’t like the Million Man March. We didn’t ask for permission form the Government, or have some governing body approve and sanction this march, which is why Sean hannity didn’t like it.
Had Billy Gramham called such an event to inspire and encourage black men to come together and listen to him tell us about are need to be more self reliant and personally responsible he would have thougt that commendable, nomatter who were also speaking at the event. When Black men take inititive to uplift themselves, it becomes something suspicious and threatening. And this is your latest attack on Obama?
He is telling the million men, their spouses, children, families and communities that we committed an unpardonable crime by attempting to look at ourselves, acknowledging our individual shortcomings, then stage an event unprecedented in the history of America.
The goal of the Million Man March, which was widely reported and covered on C-Span, unalterated (No Spin)across America, live.
Had Hannity not been fixated on whatever he was fixated on while the Million Man March was being aired, like he is fixated on Obama’s defeat, he might have discovered that there was a world turning while he was fixated on whatever he was fixated on while the Million Man March was taking place.
Had he truly investigated, what the Million Man March’s objective and mission was he would have discovered the emphasis was for black men to be more personally responsible for our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. And to impress upon them to be more self reliant and less dependent.
These are rather conservative ideas, Which Sean Hannity claims to be and represent. So, I just want Sean to know that you should not denigrate and marginalize an entire Million men to say Obama was somehow evil in agreeing with the goals and mission of the Million Man March. It was a good initiative, worth supporting.
Sean Hannity which part of that did you not understand? Or our you really “Stuck On Stupid”?
If you could pry yourself away from the 24-7 attacks on Obama you might realize that the villain and rogue is sitting right next to you helping you stump on Obama 24-7. Karl Rogue is his name, And Sean is worst.
There is no one on the public airways, more unfair and unbalanced, not even big nasty. In my conclusion, sean hannity should stick to attacking Obama and leave the million Man March out of it. We know that the goal of the Million Man March was honorable before man and God Almighty!
If hannity didn’t like One of the many messengers, that does not give him the right to stump on the rest of us, because Sean didn’t like the Million Man March. We didn’t ask for permission form the Government, or have some governing body approve and sanction this march, which is why Sean hannity didn’t like it.
Had Billy Gramham called such an event to inspire and encourage black men to come together and listen to him tell us about are need to be more self reliant and personally responsible he would have thougt that commendable, nomatter who were also speaking at the event. When Black men take inititive to uplift themselves, it becomes something suspicious and threatening. And this is your latest attack on Obama?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Obama Meets Jay-Z in YouTube Mashup Slamming Clinton & Debate
Excerpt from Huffington Post
Barack Obama is clearly taking that abysmal ABC News debate in stride. He told his supporters not to fret about all the "textbook Washington" drama on Thursday, recounting the superficial moderators and Hillary Clinton's attempts to "twist the knife" on trivial issues. Then Obama made pop cultural history, miming the rapper Jay-Z's iconic hand signal to "brush the dirt" off his shoulders.
That popular youth gesture grew out of "Dirt Off Your Shoulder," a hit song in 2003. As Wikipedia explains, it refers to "getting enemies off your chest by brushing your shoulders off." Blogger Spencer Ackerman, who regularly mixes political analysis with hip hop references, immediately heralded the move as "perhaps the coolest subliminal cultural reference in the history of American politics." A YouTube clip of the cultural moment, uploaded by the Obama Campaign, swiftly drew over 100,000 views on Thursday. And then the mashups started.
On Thursday night, YouTuber Bill3948 uploaded a one-minute mash-up of Jay-Z songs, Clinton attacks and Obama's inspired response. The sequence opens with clips of Clinton's cheap shots, accompanied by the Jay-Z ballad "Moment of Clarity," pivots to lowlights from the ABC debate, and then scores Obama's response with the original "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" track. While Obama brushes, graphics of Hillary, Bill and Charlie Gibson fly off his shoulders. Then he shakes off a kitchen sink -- a nod to Clinton's desperate strategy -- as Jay raps about hanging out "in the kitchen with soda." It's a fun, sharp extension of Obama's call to brush off some of the ridiculous attacks:
Barack Obama is clearly taking that abysmal ABC News debate in stride. He told his supporters not to fret about all the "textbook Washington" drama on Thursday, recounting the superficial moderators and Hillary Clinton's attempts to "twist the knife" on trivial issues. Then Obama made pop cultural history, miming the rapper Jay-Z's iconic hand signal to "brush the dirt" off his shoulders.
That popular youth gesture grew out of "Dirt Off Your Shoulder," a hit song in 2003. As Wikipedia explains, it refers to "getting enemies off your chest by brushing your shoulders off." Blogger Spencer Ackerman, who regularly mixes political analysis with hip hop references, immediately heralded the move as "perhaps the coolest subliminal cultural reference in the history of American politics." A YouTube clip of the cultural moment, uploaded by the Obama Campaign, swiftly drew over 100,000 views on Thursday. And then the mashups started.
On Thursday night, YouTuber Bill3948 uploaded a one-minute mash-up of Jay-Z songs, Clinton attacks and Obama's inspired response. The sequence opens with clips of Clinton's cheap shots, accompanied by the Jay-Z ballad "Moment of Clarity," pivots to lowlights from the ABC debate, and then scores Obama's response with the original "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" track. While Obama brushes, graphics of Hillary, Bill and Charlie Gibson fly off his shoulders. Then he shakes off a kitchen sink -- a nod to Clinton's desperate strategy -- as Jay raps about hanging out "in the kitchen with soda." It's a fun, sharp extension of Obama's call to brush off some of the ridiculous attacks:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Obama channels Jay-Z in response to the awful ABC debate
In what I can describe as a blissful moment in American politics, Obama has begun today to use the reprehensible debate topics from last night to his advantage. In a speech today in North Carolina, Obama has ascended to what I can only describe as rap star levels of coolness in the face of unending assault from ABC, the rest of the media, Clinton, and McCain.
First check out Obama response as he "brushes off his shoulders" in response to Senator Clinton and the ABC Moderators' petty attacks against him:
Now check out Jay-Z's Dirt off your shoulders:
First check out Obama response as he "brushes off his shoulders" in response to Senator Clinton and the ABC Moderators' petty attacks against him:
Now check out Jay-Z's Dirt off your shoulders:
Friday, April 11, 2008
If Obama wins the election, he better not let the Bush Gang off the hook!
Remember what the French did to their "collaborators" after WW2? They did everything but burn them at the stake.
Forgive the hyperbole, but this American is starting to smell blood. Impeachment, hell. IMPRISONMENT for the rest of their hateful, neo-Nazi lives; how about that?
Are you listening, neocon cabal? Yes, you, you un-American filth who have NEVER been loyal to the United States of America, you were/are so obsessed with licking the jack boots of Israel's lunatic fringe right wing.
And what about our "press"? You know, the American media traitors who sold their souls for far less than 30 pieces of silver. Breaking the back of these corporate propaganda machines should be our moral imperative. The only problem is that there are so many cockroaches it's going to be hard to decide which one to step on first.
About 9/11 there are no words. Most of the planet is now totally convinced it was an "inside job", so these Bush/Republican traitors should be treated according to their crime (which doesn't mean "imprisonment"). Book after book and monograph after monograph and picture after picture PROVE that the neocon party line is something straight of the German 3rd Reich. And let's not drift off into thinking the Bushivicks were simply inept. No, no, no, it goes far deeper than that, and according to all of the polls (national and international), the human race now believes these Bush/Republican monsters actively facilitated the event. You know, a little greasing of the wheels with vampire elite money and turning the other way about EVERYTHING (e.g., learning to fly in Florida -- good name of a song), and using intelligence organizations (not just ours!) not to protect our beloved Democratic Republic, but to destroy it utterly. Nothing like crooked cops in high places in more than one country to massacre the American Dream.
And what should we do with people who defecate on our Constitution and Bill of Rights at every opportunity? Bush calls it a "piece of paper". Only an evil insect would think that. Or a literal anti-Christ. The point is these murderous psychopaths are contemptuous of laws, constitutions, and most of all "morality." But humans without morality are evil incarnate, and evil is a 12 gage shotgun aimed at the bleeding heart of America. We've already taken several hits, but perhaps for all the doubters, there really is a Loving God, because we are still standing and keeping the moral faith to the end. Tiny Tim was right, God Bless us all every one.
We could go tragically on and on, but the moral is that these monsters of evil (most of all, the vampire rich), MUST NOT BE ENDURED, and if rationality and morality are reborn in 2008, we must not be tolerant of these mountainous historical evils.
Conclusion: these people must be punished (yes, that's the word), and they must be punished to the limit of justice.
Politics is a meaningless game invented by the 0.5% vampire rich to manipulate the human race into cattle pens and hamburger factories, but THIS time we may be able to exert our will in spite of Hillary Clinton, the DLC and their fascist Bush Republican counterparts.
THIS time we may be able to go all the way with the wheels of justice, so for God's sake, let's not lose our nerve and get forgiving and forgetting. The Clinton's, of course, will want to do that after they've been swept into impotency. And while we at it, we shouldn't be forgetting and forgiving of the DLC and the Clintons. These people must be dealt with against the background of what they did and are still desperately trying to keep doing to America.
Just keep remembering the French and their WW2 collaborators. They weren't forgiving or forgetting.
We must never forget EVEN A DAY of these last 7 to 8 years. This will keep us focused on how to deal with these devils from hell.
Remember what the French did to their "collaborators" after WW2? They did everything but burn them at the stake.
Forgive the hyperbole, but this American is starting to smell blood. Impeachment, hell. IMPRISONMENT for the rest of their hateful, neo-Nazi lives; how about that?
Are you listening, neocon cabal? Yes, you, you un-American filth who have NEVER been loyal to the United States of America, you were/are so obsessed with licking the jack boots of Israel's lunatic fringe right wing.
And what about our "press"? You know, the American media traitors who sold their souls for far less than 30 pieces of silver. Breaking the back of these corporate propaganda machines should be our moral imperative. The only problem is that there are so many cockroaches it's going to be hard to decide which one to step on first.
About 9/11 there are no words. Most of the planet is now totally convinced it was an "inside job", so these Bush/Republican traitors should be treated according to their crime (which doesn't mean "imprisonment"). Book after book and monograph after monograph and picture after picture PROVE that the neocon party line is something straight of the German 3rd Reich. And let's not drift off into thinking the Bushivicks were simply inept. No, no, no, it goes far deeper than that, and according to all of the polls (national and international), the human race now believes these Bush/Republican monsters actively facilitated the event. You know, a little greasing of the wheels with vampire elite money and turning the other way about EVERYTHING (e.g., learning to fly in Florida -- good name of a song), and using intelligence organizations (not just ours!) not to protect our beloved Democratic Republic, but to destroy it utterly. Nothing like crooked cops in high places in more than one country to massacre the American Dream.
And what should we do with people who defecate on our Constitution and Bill of Rights at every opportunity? Bush calls it a "piece of paper". Only an evil insect would think that. Or a literal anti-Christ. The point is these murderous psychopaths are contemptuous of laws, constitutions, and most of all "morality." But humans without morality are evil incarnate, and evil is a 12 gage shotgun aimed at the bleeding heart of America. We've already taken several hits, but perhaps for all the doubters, there really is a Loving God, because we are still standing and keeping the moral faith to the end. Tiny Tim was right, God Bless us all every one.
We could go tragically on and on, but the moral is that these monsters of evil (most of all, the vampire rich), MUST NOT BE ENDURED, and if rationality and morality are reborn in 2008, we must not be tolerant of these mountainous historical evils.
Conclusion: these people must be punished (yes, that's the word), and they must be punished to the limit of justice.
Politics is a meaningless game invented by the 0.5% vampire rich to manipulate the human race into cattle pens and hamburger factories, but THIS time we may be able to exert our will in spite of Hillary Clinton, the DLC and their fascist Bush Republican counterparts.
THIS time we may be able to go all the way with the wheels of justice, so for God's sake, let's not lose our nerve and get forgiving and forgetting. The Clinton's, of course, will want to do that after they've been swept into impotency. And while we at it, we shouldn't be forgetting and forgiving of the DLC and the Clintons. These people must be dealt with against the background of what they did and are still desperately trying to keep doing to America.
Just keep remembering the French and their WW2 collaborators. They weren't forgiving or forgetting.
We must never forget EVEN A DAY of these last 7 to 8 years. This will keep us focused on how to deal with these devils from hell.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Nebraska Legislature won't apologize for slavery
Damn! Whats so hard about expressing apologies for the role the state of Nebraska played in slavery? I just don't get.
The Legislature would express "profound regret" for Nebraska's role in slavery but would not apologize under a resolution advanced Wednesday by the Judiciary Committee.
After a long and sometimes heated debate, the committee amended the resolution to substitute condemnation of racial discrimination for an apology for the wrongs inflicted by slavery and its aftereffects.
The amended resolution no longer expresses the Legislature's "deepest sympathies and solemn regrets" to those who were enslaved and their descendants. But it encourages Nebraskans to teach their children about the history of slavery and its consequences.
The amended measure advanced on a vote of 6-0, with State Sens. Pete Pirsch of Omaha abstaining and Ernie Chambers of Omaha absent.
Damn! Whats so hard about expressing apologies for the role the state of Nebraska played in slavery? I just don't get.
Friday, April 4, 2008
How Israel rate the remaining candidates
How Israel rates the remaining U.S. Presidential Candidates based on how the candidates policies is helpful to Israel. Rating is on a scale of 1 through 10.
1. John McCain - Score: 7.75
The Arizona Senator believes America must give Israel whatever equipment and technology it needs for defense. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 7.12
2. Hillary Cinton - Score: 7.50
The Senator for New York and former First Lady supports moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 7.62
3. Barack Obama - Score: 5.12
The Senator for Illinois made his first visit to Israel in January 2006, where he visited the north and toured the fence. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 5
How Israel rates the remaining U.S. Presidential Candidates based on how the candidates policies is helpful to Israel. Rating is on a scale of 1 through 10.
1. John McCain - Score: 7.75
The Arizona Senator believes America must give Israel whatever equipment and technology it needs for defense. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 7.12
2. Hillary Cinton - Score: 7.50
The Senator for New York and former First Lady supports moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 7.62
3. Barack Obama - Score: 5.12
The Senator for Illinois made his first visit to Israel in January 2006, where he visited the north and toured the fence. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 5
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Jesse Ventura Warns Of Obama Assassination Attempt

From Prison
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura caused shockwaves during a national radio interview today when he warned Barack Obama to be wary of a potential assassination attempt, saying that the government would target any independent politician who got close to the White House.
The last chapter of Ventura's new book, Don't Start The Revolution Without Me, is a fictional tale about an assassination attempt on his life following a run for President.
The context of Ventura's warning was a discussion about new evidence concerning the assassination of Robert Kennedy, after it emerged that there were additional shooters to accused assassin Sirhan Sirhan.
"I believe very strongly that if an independent candidate like myself - a rogue - were to get into the President's race legitimately, if the polls looked like he had a chance to win, I believe that candidate would either be physically assassinated or would be assassinated credibility-wise or in some manner by our government because I do not believe they would ever allow a true independent or a citizen to become President of the United States," Ventura told The Alex Jones Show.
"I say this in all seriousness - watch out Barack Obama," he added.
Ventura is not the first to warn of a potential future assassination attempt on Obama - British Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing said Obama would be taken out if he became President in February.
"He would probably not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would kill him," Lessing told a Swedish newspaper.
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