Saturday, July 13, 2013

MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry Scolds Edward Snowden

I was watching the Melissa Harris Perry Show on MSNBC earlier today and I saw her criticizing Edward Snowden. Basically she chastised Snowden for making a spectacle of himself. Harris-Perry argued that by hopping from country to country in his attempt to gain asylum, Snowden is making himself into a bigger news story than the NSA surveillance practices his leaks revealed. In an open letter to Eric Snowden, Harris-Perry said the following:
We could be talking about whether accessing and monitoring citizen information and communications is constitutional, or whether we should continue to allow a secret court to authorize secret warrants using secret legal opinions. 
But we’re not. We’re talking about you! And flight paths between Moscow and Venezuela, and how much of a jerk Glenn Greenwald is. We could at least be talking about whether the Obama administration is right that your leak jeopardized national security. But we’re not talking about that, Ed.
We’re talking about you. I can imagine you’d say, “Well, then stop! Just talk about something else.” But here’s the problem, even if your initial leak didn’t compromise national security, your new cloak-and-dagger game is having real and tangible geopolitical consequences. So, well, we have to talk about … you.
I would argue that the reason the story is all about Snowden rather than the NSA revelations is because media figures refuse to make the NSA surveillance the story. Being the paid hacks that they are, they chastise Snowden rather the Obama Administration. I'm sure Mr. Obama is happy that media talking heads are questioning the action of Edward Snowden rather than questioning the actions of his administration,

I was happy to see Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry get to host their own shows on a major cable news network, because we need diversity. But I'm a little disappointed because Sharpton and Harris-Perry have decided to use their media access to be nothing but apologist for the Obama administration.

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