Wednesday, August 29, 2007

UK should pay more fo the mess they helped create in the ME

Is it me or does anyone else think that the United Kingdom is not paying their fair share of the of the mess that they helped create in Iraq. UK has spent a total of $13 Billion on the military operations and rebuilding in Iraq so far. Now conservative estimates say the US has spent nearly $450 Billion.

Now if both countries were forced to pay for the Iraq war based on the size of their economies, then you would have to agree the UK is getting off big time compared to what the the American tax payers are paying. Based on GDP our economy is $13 Trillion annually and the UK is $2.1 Trillion annually. The US economy is 6 times that of the UK's economy so that means for every $6 dollars we pay the UK should have to pay a dollar. So if the Iraq war cost for the US and UK is $ 463 Billion so far, the UK should be required to pay approximately $66 Billion of that cost.

This should also apply to troop levels, if the "coalition of the killing" agree that they need a 170 thousand troops in Iraq then the UK should chip in approximately 28.3 thousand soldiers based on their population. The UK population is 60 million and ours is 300 million. The US population is 5 times that of the UK, so for every 5 soldiers we contribute the UK should be required to contribute 1 soldier. I think this should apply to all the original "coalition of the killing" partners because without their complicity the war criminal George Bush couldn't have pulled this war off.

In no way am I in support of the Iraq war and the atrocities that have taken place because of the invasion. The point I'm trying to make is the so called coalition countries should also have to pay equally for their leaders decision just like the American people will have to pay for our idiot's decision even after he's long gone. The additional money should go strictly to rebuilding, security and reparations for the Iraqi people.

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