Sunday, August 5, 2007

Will Barack Obama survive the onslaught?

The media can make or break a candidate and now it's seems they have turned their sights on Barack Obama for some allege gaffes he made recently. First Hillary made a big deal over Obama's statement at the last Democratic Debate about his willingness to meet with America's adversaries. The media took the story and ran with it, Hillary's response sounded no different than Bush and the Republican's and Obama's response was reasonable in my opinion. Bush refused to talk to any of the so called bad regimes and they all seemed to have grown in strength and or influence; Iran has more influence in the region, North Korea has more Nukes than ever and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has more clout in South America than the USA has there. So I don't understand why the "inside the Beltway group think" always prevail in the corporate news media when they're proven to be wrong over and over. Anyone who has a different opinion is ridiculed by the corporate controlled media. The bottom line is we have to stop allowing the media to choose for us who's the best candidate, it's up to us study the candidates and make our own decisions and stop allowing the media to influence us over non-sense.

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