Sunday, January 6, 2008

Marxism is starting to make sense

I always wondered, why is Marxism demonized and considered an evil economic system? Marxism is totally against the exploitation of the masses by the dominate class. Capitalism, on the other hand, is the direct opposite, it's an economic system in which the business and wealth of a country is contolled by a few, the dominate class. Capitalism is now the dominate economic system around the world where most of the worlds wealth and resources are being controlled by a few. Kathy Fisher over at Unkwown News wrote a good article in which she says the following:

The capitalists are never dying to be rich, they let other people's children do the dying for them. The same way they hire slave labor to do the hardest dirtiest work, then they clame the fruits of someone else's labor. They will tout that if not for them there would be no jobs for people to go to. They steal the land, they steal the money, and then they grab a nation's people by the balls.

Many people will point to the old Soviet Union and it's failures as a reason to reject Marxism and support Capitalism but Ms. Fisher has a different take on that:

These idiots that thought the old Soviet Union was true communism and Marxisn were dead wrong. Once again they had the masses brainwashed. Just because their leaders let a stature of Marx stand in the town square! That doesn't mean shit.


Putin embraces capitalism. The truth is the Soviet Union leaders were always Closet Capitalists. Not a Marxist or communist among them. They ruled with an iron fist. They forced a set of rules on the people they themselves would never live by. They sold the people a pack of lies. It was all a charade and they had their people imprissoned. I ask you, would a Marxist communist country have a media that was catered to, given the best apartments the highest salaries (Pravda)? Just like our media is. Of course not.

She goes on further to write about the downside of Capitalism by saying the following:

Ultra rich and dirt poor, you have to be kidding me! And nothing in between, and that's exactly where our leaders have taken us. That's NOT Marxism.

Unionized societies are hated by CAPITALISTS. The Capitalist's motto is Don't love your brother, take his job, take his oil, take his country as if it was your God given right. Our leaders lied to the people to when they constantly said 'We are fighting Communism.'' That was pure Bullshit! They were stealing and plundering other countries' resources and using its people for slaves of their new stolen empires. Cruel Business as Usual. The French and the Dutch did the same thing. In the name of GREED and Capitalism.

Now they lie again and say they are fight TERRORISM. No, it's more conquest. More stealing other nations resources. It's capitalism with a big jackbooted helping of in your face Fascism. They work their dirty deeds with the help of their paid shills who spread Propaganda for them.

As for me, I have no country. There is nowhere to go, and nowhere to run to and live free. You need the capitalists form of freedom, THE ALMIGHTY MONEY RULES EVERTHING AND EVERY ONE! Where can the common people live, whose hearts are not filled with greed and dog eat dog mentallity? Where do people go whose only want and desire is to be treated equal?

The Capitalists have created so many hellholes around the world that America still looks safe and good. This shit called Capitalism is like a plague, once it grabs hold of a people it chokes the life out of them. And it has spread to just about everywhere. Can you afford to live in Spain? Or Norway? Can you just pick up your family and your belongings and go off to live in another country? Do we now become nomads? Are we supposed to roam from place to place like cattle?

The fat cat Capitalists can, but why would they leave? They've got it made off the backs of the salt of the earth. Our Sweat, our labor is their victory. The last time I counted there was more of Us than Them. We must take a stand and fight for our lives, our decent way of life. This is our last chance.

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