"and now we have what ... uh...some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama ...uh..um..Obama [after being prompted by the FNC anchor]....well both if we could [laughing]"
For Trotta to relish - publicly, casually, and unremarked - the thought of "knocking off" Sen. Obama is merely an expression of the fact that we now live in an America where torture, even to the point of murder, disappearances, unwarranted surveillance, and arbitrary arrest and detention are not only done by our government but are defended by the president, vice president, a Supreme Court justice, and, even worse, by ordinary citizens. We now live in a country where the Constitutional order and protections of the Bill of Rights are not only ignored but mocked by those in whose hands their protection has been entrusted, by those who make the biggest show of their "patriotism," people who make an issue of flag pins and the position of one's hands during the national anthem. That talk of assassination by one of these superpatriots could be accompanied by no more than easy laughter shows the level of degradation to which we have sunk.