Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yes, Capitalism has succeeded!

How frustrating it is to hear the same old Cold War propaganda coming out of the mouths of many Americans whose economic well-being is presently being jeopardized not by Engels, Marx, or Lenin, but by Wall Street and Washington.

How can this latest economic fiasco in America be the fault of Marxist labor unions, when the jobs of millions of union members have long since been outsourced across the border and overseas?

How can the loss of one's home be the fault of a Communist conspiracy to seize private property when it was the Capitalist banks which lured potential homeowners into unworkable adjustable rate mortgages which destroyed the housing market, causing millions to lose their homes?

Can we blame Karl Marx for the rising cost of everything from gasoline to toilet paper, rising unemployment, hundreds of billions of dollars in Government and private debt, and an imbalance of trade in the trillions, when all along it was the manipulations of the money grubbing Wall Street Capitalists and their enablers on the Potomac which created this debacle?

I am fed up with this mindset which excuses the excesses of Capitalism when compared with the real or imagined shortcomings of Socialism.

Having lived through the Cold War and having been subjected to the interminable demonization of Socialism/ Marxism, it is understandable how one could have been deluded into thinking that Capitalism succeeds when all else fails.

Yes, Capitalism has succeeded! It has succeeded in destroying organized labor and the American workplace. It has succeeded in destroying the American dream of home ownership. It has succeeded in destroying the living standards of millions of American families. It has succeeded in ruining the economic well being of the entire Nation for the profit of a very few. Yes, it has once again succeeded in giving us another Great Depression.


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