Saturday, June 21, 2008

White vs Black - Midwest Vs New Orleans

Is it just me or is the Midwest getting more Federal help, got Federal help sooner than the Katrina victims received? No problems with ice. I haven’t seen any issues with getting aid into the much larger effected area. People from other states, Florida, North Carolina, California, are not being denied access to the victims of the Midwest flood. International aid is not being turned away this time.

In 2004, FEMA had no problems with four hurricanes in a row - Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne pummeled Florida in August of that year. It has even been alleged that FEMA delivered Florida for Bush in 2004. But somehow, a year later FEMA totally fails when it comes to Hurricane Katrina. Not only did it fail, it was an epic failure and collapse of nearly every segment of Federal government. The Canadian Mounties got to New Orleans before Government relief got there.

Bush can’t say the government was caught unaware. Video proof shows Michael Brown warning Bush about the levees and the looming disaster to come.

But the Midwest flood response? It looks as organized as the choreography of the The Lion King.

You just got to wonder about the racial element to the still lagging response to New Orleans - almost three years later.


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