Thursday, September 18, 2008

If I could ask Sarah Palin a question

I wish that I could ask Palin a question. There are children and other innocents being killed and injured in these wars. Children, not terrorists. Palin is pro-life, but gung-ho for war.

Why is killing children that feel pain OK, but killing a baby that doesn't feel pain not OK?

Christians believe that children live in a state of grace and would go directly to heaven without the paying taxes part. And if the mother is wrong she would face judgement day, just like the rest of us, right? So what's the big deal? Unless you doubt your own beliefs. If you doubt heaven, then you would be against abortion. If you believe in heaven, then shut up about abortion. Doctors ...Hippocratic oath...yadda..yadda... would be protecting the health and life of the mother. After Roe v. Wade the number of abortions didn't change. The number of deaths from botched abortions declined. Legal abortions save the lives of the mothers and protects their health. That is within the scope of the oath, if you ask me.

Your holy ideology is holey. You can't gun down defenseless animals and let them suffer and talk about defending life. You can't put some people in a POW camp, torture them, kill them, and then talk about how much respect you have for a former POW. Huh? You can't say that you have a God that decides all things and then YOU decide which children are ok to kill, and which aren't. You can't. When you talk about religious extremists you must include the 700 Club et al. When you talk about respecting life you have to include everything and everyone down to the smallest flower petal. Respect life yes, all life.


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