Saturday, September 27, 2008

What will be McCain's next stunt?

From Daily Kos

Brace yourselves. Next week could be another crazy one in the McCain campaign.

The "I'm suspending my campaign" to go back to Washington stunt didn't work to move last night's debate to next week which would have moved the VP debate. And in the debate, Obama proved to many, especially the undecideds, what we already knew. The guy is ready to be president. And McCain?

McCain has got to counter Obama's debate bounce and get Palin out of the debate or off the ticket all together. A debate performance equal to her interviews could push McCain's numbers down in the 30s and Obama's up in the 50s. McCain could be sandbaging us with Palin's horrific interview performance. NOT. The thought of Obama over 50 and McCain in the 30s will force McCain to go to his bag of tricks once again.

The fact that Palin wasn't the post-debate surrogate for McCain speaks volumes. Even McCain's PR people can put an intelligent sentence together about life and world issues. It's crazy to think that Palin is the nominee for the second highest office in the land, but can't be trusted to speak for and about her potential boss. Unbelievable.

If last night's debate and Biden's post debate performance are any indication, we actually may not hear from Palin again. We all should feel for her. McCain has opened her up to scrutiny and a spotlight that she couldn't comprehend. Her performance in interviews? Imagine how she might handle the give and take and follow up questions in a debate that weren't in her talking points. She can't even get through debate prep.

McCain has got to change the subject again. That's all he knows. There is no strategy. There is no message. Just gimmicks. And Palin is probably the first human gimmick in politics. She needs to regain her dignity and respect and go home.

Expect some kind of announcement this week. Don't underestimate McCain's desperation.

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