Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Democratic Party is Fucking Worthless!

I've had it. I'm done. I have reached my limit on capitulation, corporatism, cronyism, and stupid.

The Democratic Party is facing a do-or-die moment. It has a supermajority control of the legislature, and, oh yeah, the White House. There is nothing the Democratic Party should not be able to accomplish.

If it wants to.

National, socialized -- yeah, socialized -- health care meets every supposed ideal of the Democratic Party:

Affordable, Quality Health Care Coverage for All Americans?

We believe that quality and affordable health care is a basic right - THE 2008 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL PLATFORM

But instead of delivering its promises, the Democratic party is now being held hostage by the insurance industry, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the mouth-breathing, half-literate, flat-earther wingnut screamers who want government to stay out of their Medicare.

And I have fucking had it.

You told us you needed control of Congress in order to stop the Republicans. Fine. We gave it to you.

But that wasn't enough, because then you said you needed 60 seats in the Senate. Fine. We gave that to you too.

Never mind that George Bush was able to completely remake America with a fucking minority in Congress, and then a tiny little sliver of a majority. You need huge numbers to be able to stand up to those oh-so-scary Republicans? Fine. You got 'em.

But now? Now you have to take your marching orders from the idiots who literally think "end of life care" means "kill granny"? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not realize that this ridiculous capitulation gives them all the power and further motivation they need to keep calling you with death threats, vandalizing your offices, and screaming in your faces?

Stop pretending the opposition has valid points to make. It doesn't. Stop pretending that their lies and distortion have any place in this discussion. They don't. Stop acting as if continued sacrifices to the screamers will end with a bipartisan bill. It won't.


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