Monday, August 3, 2009

The Corporate Media Is Behind The Racist Birther Movement


Okay, just answer this question below: Is the Corporate Mainstream Media Responsible for Reviving the "Birther Movement"?

While GE is reining in progressive programming on MSNBC, the corporate media, which is all of mainstream television, is ginning up -- in fact, reviving -- the lunatic "Birther Movement."

Now that the nutcases have obtained multiple and different forged Kenyan Obama birth certificates, the so-called "establishment" (big-money owned) press is going to keep kicking this fringe psychotic racist political campaign down the road. It's like the "Swift Boat" campaign on steroids, run by Jim Jones.

Of course, try to get a single payer healthcare spokesperson on television and you're met with a corporate media cry of how out of the mainstream such advocates are, that Medicare for everyone is a "fringe" movement.

We've written over ten years about how when the corporations control the media, they control our government by persuading people that misinformation favorable to the plutocracy is true. They've started to succeed even with the lunacy of the "Birther Movement."

Would the "Birther Movement" been confined to people in white sheets with billboards on their backs, walking aimlessly down sidewalks and handing out mentally unstable pamphlets if it weren't for the corporate media?

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