Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain got what he deserved

Bush is worthless and I got to be blunt about it
Do he care about you? No, I truly doubt it

Not if you aint rich or a corporate C.E.O.
John McCain is the same so my only choice is B.O.

Even though Barack leans to the right of my ideology
I will still go with him over McCain with no apology

The polls are close, the left is concerned and it's
starting to worry them
Saying stuff like "McCain is another Bush, Barack
should be burying him"

The media would like to see a close race, so they
can get more viewers
While they only care about advertisement dollars,
the country goes down the sewer

The meme in the media is that McCain's a war hero
and a maverick
But what they don't tell you as a fighter pilot he
was below average

He made it through the Academy because he was the son
of Admiral McCain
He graduated bottom of his class and crashed a total
of five combat planes

And what is so heroic about being shot down over Vietnam
Or bombing civilian villages, burning kids and their moms
alive with napalms

Dropping death from 20 thousand feet, soarig higher than
the birds
Lt. McCain was shot down, he merely got what he deserved.

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