There are Hillary Clinton supporters still angry at Obama
Simply because he won the primaries, now they want to start
Obama didn't cheat to win the primaries, he ran a smart and clean
So if you can't accept the results, by all means go support
Yeah McCain is your man, he'll ease all of your worries
And if you have teenage sons, make sure their registered with
the Selective Service
Cause you know Mr. "Bomb, Bomb Iran" will need a lot of boots
on the ground
With his hundred years in Iraq, now he's poking at the bear, how
do a military draft sounds
And if you have young daughters, let them know they may loose all
their rights to choose
So you PUMAs need to understand, if McCain win, we all loose
You guys remind me of spoil kids, angry cause you didn't get what
you wanted
Are you all looking for attention, to be the subject of News Pundits
Are you trying to split the party and guarantee a Republican win
Knowing that four more years of Republican rule could bring our way
of life to an end
Hillary is supporting Barack, Bill is on board cause they know Barack
will bring a better day
So my message to the disgruntled Hillary supporters, GET ON BOARD OR GET
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