Wednesday, December 26, 2007

American economy hijacked by corruption

Well, so far I have not heard any of the financial talking heads, or for that matter any of the candidates running for election in 2008, putting the blame of our rapidly disintegrating economy on the root cause, so-called "free trade".

This criminal money-making scheme, imposed upon the peoples of the world by the supporters of Globalism and their fellow conspirators on Wall Street and in Washington, has been a monumental failure right from the start. Designed to undermine organized labor by outsourcing both union and non union jobs to Third World nations, and by lowering or keeping stagnant the wages of those Americans still working,
the net result is that the rich are getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.

This is nothing new, as the rich and powerful have always been constantly at odds with the working man for as long as history has been recorded. What is different is the complete and total support for these destructive trade policies by those elected representatives of the people, the President, the Congress, and the Senate, who with few exceptions, are taking no action to head off the economic fiasco which now is bearing down on our hapless nation.

The unwillingness of our elected representatives to act upon the coming economic disaster can only be defined as treason, pure and simple. This sellout of the American worker began in earnest with Ronald Reagan firing the air traffic controllers during his term the White House, and it has continued under the subsequent administrations of GHW Bush and Bill Clinton.

While it was not surprising that the Republicans, with their traditional ties to big business, were hostile to the American labor force, it was a shock when Clinton, a Democrat, whose political party at one time enthusiastically supported labor in America, refused to veto NAFTA despite its obvious implications for the American worker.

Clinton's sellout to Wall Street and the Globalists began a stampede of businesses and manufacturers across the border into Mexico as soon as it was signed into law. Since Clinton's treason, the flow of American jobs out of the country has become a tidal wave, with most jobs formerly done by Americans now gone forever.

Indeed, It has not taken long for America to go into economic tailspin once the Wall Street conspirators and their political lackeys in Washington decided to stab their countrymen in the back. By supporting the voodoo economics practiced by the evil high priests of Wall Street, and conspiring with the backers of a Globalist New World Order, the corrupt and treasonous imposters who claim to represent the best interests of the American people have, so to speak, opened the gates of the nation to the depredations of modern day economic vandals.

With the burst of the housing bubble, the first of what will be many of the economic dominos to fall, and despite the infusion of billions of dollars by the Fed and billions from private investment banks, nothing is going to stave off the inevitable collapse so long as the fraud known as "free trade" remains in place.

The architects of this scam knew right from the get go that "free trade" would never work to the benefit of the masses. It was only but an opportunity for short-term looting and plunder of the economies of the world by the wealthy and powerful under the guise of legitimate economic planning.

However, like their co-conspirators in government with regard to foreign policy, concerning the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in particular, the Wall Street crooks do not have an exit plan to disengage once things start to go wrong. Therefore we the people will be forced unfairly to bear the brunt of the economic hardship initiated by a small group of traitors and criminals who have through greed and corruption hijacked a healthy and vibrant economy and replaced it with war, debt, inflation, growing unemployment, and the implementation of a police state.

Should we the people ever regain our Constitutional right to once more govern ourselves, those individuals who did their best to destroy our nation and to render us powerless must not be allowed to get away with it. Like the trials of the Nazi war criminals after WWII, the perpetrators of this coming economic calamity must be brought to justice for the harm they are bringing down upon the American people, and to those they have exploited around the World as well. We must not allow them to escape with their loot to live the rest of their lives in luxury -- they must face punishment for what they have done.

The Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg trials attempted to defend their horrendous actions by saying they were just following orders. That did not wash. The Wall Street executives and Washington politicians are already trying to justify their crimes against their country and the world as simply doing business. Sorry, but that is not going to wash either. Actions speak louder than words.


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