Sunday, December 23, 2007

The real American gangster by Louis Farrakhan


How many of you have seen the movie American Gangster? How many of you have seen the BET program “American Gangster”? Do you think this is an accident? This is no accident, Brother. Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET? They took it away from Bob Johnson and gave him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. They have Essence; they have our hair product people; they have Motown. Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television.

And they make us look like we’re the murders; we look like we’re the gangsters, but we’re punk stuff. If you can come out of seeing that movie, saying, “Damn, Frank Lucas was bad,” then this inspires you to try to be like him. Let me show you what Frank Lucas really was: If the lure of this is true, he brought in heroine in the 1960s—I want young people to pay attention!

In the 1960s, your grandparents were on picket lines. Your grandparents were marching against White Supremacy and Jim Crow. They were being beaten down with fire hoses and dogs and they were put in prison just so you could go to a toilet! We paid a hell of a price to get something so damn cheap as a voting right that the enemy finds a way to take from you.

The moment the riots began and Black folks rose up, because all Black people weren’t following Dr. King—though the enemy would like to make you think that everybody had that same kind of dream—there were Black people who didn’t want anything to do with going to school with White people. There were Black people that didn’t want anything to do with integrating with them. There were Black people that would never turn the other cheek and be non-violent. There were the Deacons for Defense!

There was the Black Panther Party; there were Black men willing to take up arms against this enemy, and the moment that kind of spirit was in the people, a purer form of heroine was introduced in the Black community.

Therefore, Frank Lucas was a pawn of the powers that wanted to drug those who weren’t drugged by religion; drugged by the enemy’s education. They were drugged with a purer form of heroine, so in the movie, you see them shooting up and dying. Frank Lucas was killing his people for money.

In the movie, they said he had planes flying in with a purer form of heroine, and that he even punked the Mafia. You can believe that bull if you want to.

What are they telling you? Do you think you can out-criminalize the real criminals? Is that why your behind is filling up all the jails in America and they’re working your raggedy behind like a slaves, like they did your great grandfathers? Is that why you think you can outdo the White man in criminal behavior? He is the number one criminal. He just doesn’t rob you—he robs countries. He doesn’t just kill you—he kills whole populations. You’re a cheap killer and a cheap thief compared to him.

That movie was designed to inspire you to a gangster life. The whole series on BET, is designed to inspire young, Black men to more criminal conduct as though there are no White gangsters. But this is a focus on Black gangsters and they are now calling you “The American Gangster.” How did you get to be an American gangster when you are not an American at all? If you doubt what I am saying, go back and get the early dictionaries and see what the term “American” means—they name the European countries that are the real Americans, and no American could be an aboriginal. This is why you don’t have real citizenship now; they tell you that you are a citizen, but they treat you like a slave. Either you are or you are not a citizen.


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