Saturday, December 22, 2007

Could Obama be considering Republican Chuck Hagel as a running mate?

Omaha, NE.- Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel's name has surfaced once again in the race for the White House.

But this time it's with the Democrats.

For months the speculation has been that Hagel would run as an independent with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Bloomberg at the top of the ticket, Hagel his vice-president.

But now its Hagel and Democrat Barack Obama; Obama of course has campaigned as the candidate for change.

So now there's speculation that if Obama wins the Democrat nomination, real change would find him naming a Republican as his running mate.

A Republican, like Hagel, who has been constantly critical of the Bush administration's handling of the War in Iraq.

National political columnist Roger Simon says Obama could pick Hagel as his number two, and Hagel would "reach out to anti-war Republicans."

Senator Hagel isn't commenting on any of this, and if it sounds far fetched that Hagel could go to the Democratic convention next year as the Vice-Presidential candidate, keep this in mind.

In the last few days Hagel joined a Washington think tank known as the American Security Project.

It was started earlier this year by Senator John Kerrey and former Senator Gary Hart, two Democrats.

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