Sunday, December 30, 2007

A stink on the White House

President Bush and his crime syndicate have put a stink on the White House and on government itself. By failing to cleanse the foul odors with the fire of
impeachment, the Democrats have put the stink on themselves.

The Democrats appear to be playing politics. They claim that with a Democrat as president over a Demo-
cratic Congress, they will finally be able to address the grave misdeeds and misgovernance of the past seven years. But there is no evidence that Democratic rule will be a Constitutional Rule.

There is nothing to prevent a Democratic president from exercising the same illegal, unconstitutional and
tyrannical powers asserted by the Bush government. In fact, since the Democratic Congress served as towel-holders and enablers of a manifestly criminal Republican president, what leads any of us to suppose that a Democratic Congress would enforce the law under a president of their own party? How naïve! Let me know how that works out...

The stink of President Bush is particularly foul and it is impossible to ignore -- unless you are a Democratic member of Congress. Bush's crimes are well documented and public knowledge. They include:

• Torture and extra-judicial killings of suspects.

• Illegal domestic spying and warrantless searches.

• Treasonous conspiracy to disclose the identity of a deep-cover CIA operative who was working to stop weapons of mass destruction proliferation pertaining to Iran, followed by obstruction of justice, and a self-serving pardon of the only man brought to justice, "Scooter" Libby (which establishes the precedent that unless Congress exercises its right to impeach, a president can commit virtually any crime and then freely issue pardons as part of a cover-up).

• Repeated violations of First Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens (remember the "Free Speech Zones" and protest cages?).

• Illegally -- and stupidly -- starting a war with Iraq based on cooked intelligence and telling lies to the American public.

• Losing that war(!) and getting the US bogged down in a desert quagmire costing $200 billion a year.

• Rampant corruption and unabashed cronyism with phony "privatization" schemes involving no-bid contracts and government officials or ex-government officials (especially Cheney and Halliburton).

• The destruction of New Orleans.

There is much more, but if this list of crimes is not considered "impeachable" by the Democrats in Congress, then there is no point in continuing the list. In fact, Congress itself should be impeached at the same time, if that were legally possible! The Bush stink is rancid, like a skunk in an outhouse in summer. And that stink covers Congress and the government itself.

We know that many "Democrats" in Congress are active players in the Bush Regime -- Senators Lieberman, Feinstein and Reid are major players, along with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, but there are many, many more Democrats who have collaborated with Bush-Cheney in their crimes. Only a handful of Democrats and Republicans believe the myth of "Constitution" any longer. The rest must be smoked out of their hidey holes by voters during the coming years.


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