Thursday, November 13, 2008

Americans Have A Lot Of Faith In An Obama's Presidency

Let me start by saying I would not want to be in Obama's shoes. The Man has a monumental task ahead thanks to the incompetence of George W. Bush. He has two wars (or two occupations if you will)to deal with, the financial markets are in crisis, the housing market and the auto industry is about to go under, he's working with a half a trillion dollar deficit and a 10 trillion dollar national debt and now they call the black in to clean up this mess.

According to a CNN Poll, the American public think Obama is the man that can get the country back on the right track though. From CNN:

The overall public mood may still be sour at the moment, but a new national poll suggests that most Americans think Barack Obama will make major accomplishments as president of the United States.

Nearly two-thirds of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday said President-elect Obama will change the country for the better. Twenty-five percent said he won't change the country either way, and only 9 percent indicated they think Obama will change the country for the worse.

"The bar is being set awfully high for an Obama presidency," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

According to the poll, most people think it's likely that Obama will improve race relations, improve economic conditions, bring stability to the financial markets, make the United States safer from terrorism, reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil, reduce global warming, win the war in Afghanistan, and remove U.S. troops from Iraq without causing a major upheaval in that country.

You've heard that old saying, "Once they go black they never go back". So if Obama does a good job, which I am praying that he does, America will fall in love with a black president and probably would be willing to pick another one in the near future but, if Obama's presidency goes down as a failure then it will be generation before another black is giving a remote chance at the white house. See future white candidates will not be judged based on Bush's failures but future black candidates will be judged based on how well Obama performs. So Obama has the reputation and aspirations of African Americans as well as the hopes of all American on his narrow shoulders. In other words failure is not an option.

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