Saturday, November 8, 2008

Democratic Takeover Of Government Leads To Boom In Gun Sales

It seems gun enthusiasts, I like to refer to them as gun nuts, are worried that Obama will make it harder for them to buys guns in the future so they are rushing out to buy guns and ammunition before Obama and the democrats take over in January. This from the Associated Press:

When 10-year-old Austin Smith heard Barack Obama had been elected president, he had one question: Does this mean I won't get a new gun for Christmas?

That brought his mother, the camouflage-clad Rachel Smith, to Bob Moates Sports Shop on Thursday, where she was picking out that special 20-gauge shotgun — one of at least five weapons she plans to buy before Obama takes office in January.

Like Smith, gun enthusiasts nationwide are stocking up on firearms out of fears that the combination of an Obama administration and a Democrat-dominated Congress will result in tough new gun laws.


No data was available for gun purchases this week, but gun shops from suburban Virginia to the Rockies report record sales since Tuesday's election.

"They're scared to death of losing their rights," said David Hancock, manager of Bob Moates, where sales have nearly doubled in the past week and are up 15 percent for the year. On Election Day, salespeople were called in on their day off because of the crowd.

Why the fuck do these gun nuts feel the need to own so many damn guns, are they that terrified of their fellow citizens, are they planning on going to war with the government or what? I just don't get it, one or two guns in the house is not enough, these fools feel they need an arsenal to feel safe. And what is up with buying guns for a 10 year old kid, shouldn't there be laws against that?

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