Saturday, November 1, 2008

McCain's Campaign Gimmicks: Sarah The Moosehunter & Joe The Plumber

I know the election isn't over yet but the writing is on the wall. Come Wednesday morning the pundits will be filling the airwaves to discuss what went wrong with the McCain campaign. There are many reason for what looks to be a McCain lost but I think the real reason is the Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber gimmicks.

I read an article by Johnny Sisk writing at the Huffington Post, and he explained the whole John McCain campaign fiasco like this:

If you're looking for what's gone wrong with John McCain's bid for the White House, look no further than Joe the Plumber.

Like his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, McCain's schoolgirl crush on Joe the Plumber has illustrated how badly the Republican candidate has misjudged the American electorate and mismanaged his campaign. In both cases, he enlisted uneducated rubes to campaign for him, hoping that these backwoods bumpkins could connect with and energize his red state supporters where he couldn't himself. And in both cases, his plan has backfired in horribly entertaining ways.

Damn! I couldn't have said that shit any better myself. But he's not finish he continues to lay it on McCain and his misreading of the American public:

By tapping a moose-hunting, God-fearing, pro-life hockey mom as his running mate, McCain (a man who prides himself on his "strategy" expertise) made the biggest strategic mistake of the campaign. He turned an election that had been a referendum on Obama's lack of leadership experience into a referendum on his own decision-making ability. McCain gambled with his VP pick, doubling down on a woman he thought could carry him to the White House by barking moronic drivel about lipstick on pit bulls.

The problem, of course, is that behind Palin's ignorant, uneducated, off-putting, and often hate-filled sarcasm - putting down community organizers? - was a woman who demonstrated a stunning lack of knowledge on everything from Bush foreign policy and Supreme Court rulings to a basic understanding of the Constitution. She claimed that she was the first line of defense from a Russian attack on Alaska and that the Vice President is in charge of the Senate. In other words, after two months of interviewing for the job, she still didn't know what the job was.

And he don't stop there, he goes on to serve up McCain even more by pointing out McCain poor judgement and taking the American public for granted with the duo of Palin and Joe the Plumber:

But the fact that McCain was willing to place our country in the hands of a woman whom he had met only once isn't what angers me most. It's that he put his candidacy ahead of his country. Country first? Hardly. Candidacy first.


Unfortunately, McCain has badly underestimated the intelligence of the American voting public. Certainly, in some parts of the country, this strategy has worked. But more often than not, it's led to the divisive cultural skirmishes that have marred his ineffective campaign. Two weeks ago, this strategy was evident in Palin's now infamous "real America" remarks. And this week, it's Joe the Plumber.


Just like Sarah the Pageant Queen, Joe the Plumber is yet another symbol of "real America" John McCain has trotted out and put on display, in hopes of convincing his red state friends that he is, indeed, one of them. After all, Joe's just like you! He's a hard working plumber who doesn't know the first thing about global economics or foreign affairs. McCain would be crazy not to give this man the mic.

After losing his party's nomination to a dim-witted moron eight years ago, why has McCain allowed two more dim-witted morons to appear at his rallies, field questions from voters, and speak on his behalf? I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Poor McCain the jig is up, your gimmick isn't working this time around. I think McCain should have just been himself and argued his case to the American people and not insult us like he has:

There can only be one reason he would lower himself to this sort of gimmicky schtick -- because he thinks it's the only way he can win. Incapable of doing it himself, he's asked two fear-mongering idiots to light a fire under the collective, bulbous ass of his fearful idiot base.

Palin, who's good at reading a teleprompter and not much else, has already been rumored for a talk show host job when this circus leaves town on Tuesday. And Joe the Plumber is reportedly working on a record deal. I hope John McCain is happy. He couldn't win the election. But he did help two people win the lottery.

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