Thursday, November 6, 2008

Black and Latino Voters Crucial In Banning Gay Marriage

It seems African Americans played a huge part in passing Proposition 8, A California ballot amendment banning gay marriage. So blacks lined up with social conservatives to discriminate against the LGBT community. I am a straight black man OK, but based on the racism and discrimination black people had to go through in this country, personally I don't believe in discriminating against any group of people. I would never align myself with social conservatives - the same people that gave us so much hell in the past and still do - to discriminate against LGBT community today.

From Mercury News:

Even as African-American and Latino voters were a powerful force in boosting America's first black president to victory, in California they also were crucial to passing Proposition 8, a ballot measure labeled, "Eliminates right of same-sex couples to marry."

Exit polls showed that 70 percent of black voters, and a majority of Latino voters, voted yes on Proposition 8, one likely reason why the measure won a slim majority in Los Angeles County, where pre-election polls had suggested it would lose, even though it lost by a huge margin in the Bay Area.

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